Genesis1:1-2:7 The world, that surrounds us, is indeed very beautiful! Everything, from the smallest flower to the galaxy, is made with wonderful art and exceptional beauty. Nature looks like…
Translation from the article: Ἀποστόλου Παπαδημητρίου, Ὁ φωτισμός καί ὁ "Διαφωτισμός", περιοδ. "Ἀπολύτρωσις" 77 (2022) 8-9. (Apostolos Papadimitriou, Electrical engineer, Columnist and Author) The Epiphany is one of…
Translation from the book: Στεργίου Ν. Σάκκου, Ἑρμηνεία στό κατά Λουκᾶν Εὐαγγέλιο, τόμ. Α΄, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2008, σσ. 159-164 (Stergios N. Sakkos [Read CV], A Commentary on the Gospel according to…
Translation from the book: Στεργίου Ν. Σάκκου, Ἑρμηνεία στό κατά Λουκᾶν Εὐαγγέλιο, τόμ. Α΄, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2008, σσ. 154-159 (Stergios N. Sakkos [Read CV], A Commentary on the Gospel according to…
Translation from the book: Στεργίου Ν. Σάκκου, Ἑρμηνεία στό κατά Λουκᾶν Εὐαγγέλιο, τόμ. Α΄, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2008, σσ. 133-153 (Stergios N. Sakkos [Read CV], A Commentary on the Gospel according to…
The Liturgy of the Faithful After the first petition of the faithful, the priest continues: “now and for ever and to the ages of ages”. Time is divided in the…
The Liturgy of the Faithful The priest, standing before the altar, says the first prayer of the faithful. This prayer refers to “conscience”, specifically, the priest who is…
The Liturgy of the Faithful If order must prevail during the first part, the Liturgy of the Catechumens (those not yet baptized), so that everyone can hear the petitions, the…
The Liturgy of the Faithful After the Great Entrance the priest goes into the holy Sanctuary and he sends up to God a new series of petitions. These are ten…
Translation from the Book Ὁ Θεός στήν ἱστορία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, Βοήθημα Κατωτέρου Κατηχητικοῦ Γ΄, ἐκδ. «Χριστιανική Ἐλπίς» Ὀρθόδοξη Ἀδελφότητα, Θεσσαλονίκη 2016, σσ. 42-46 A saint of the twentieth century…